About Us


writing is one of your best mediums to learn or share something with others. inspired by Hak5, we also intend to develop our in-house tools and payloads relevant to the security industry. by building such a community-driven platform, we hope all of the contents within this platform can be of good use for others to benefit from. which is kinda cool.


our vision is to become one of the go-to platforms of choice for others to search similar cases or problems about infosec in general or even to try out and develop pentesting tools & payloads for our community-based arsenal.


our mission is to support the interest in publishing content for others to help the public awareness of information security in this digital world as a form of giving back to the community.


here are some of the peeps that helped to build this platform to the way it is now, a hopefully-functioning site in society. hop onto the contribution tab to learn how your role can help this platform grows even better too.

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N 6°17'1.746" | S 106°48'17.507"

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opening a donation support at saweria.co

© 2023 hotpotcookie - built using Hugo and Dracula with