Privacy Policy

three-way handshake

data handling #

as white hats, by representing the hotpotcookie, we don’t disclose any private or credential pieces of information of any parties involved in any form of data aggregation, as this site doesn’t collect any user’s data. for further notice, hotpotcookie site is also not integrated with Google Analytics by storing cookies anonymously and will not be intended to.

the below describes from what sources of information, study cases or problems we conducted, which also addresses how we handle that information within this site.

affiliate marketing #

we may partner with third-party companies or e-commerces and promote their products or services through affiliate links on our site. please note that any information you provide during the purchasing process, such as email address or payment details, is collected and processed by the respective third-party companies, and their privacy policies govern the handling of that information.

we encourage you to review the privacy policies of any external websites or services you visit through affiliate links on our website to understand how your information will be handled. by using our website and engaging with affiliate links, you acknowledge and accept these terms regarding the privacy and data handling practices related to affiliate marketing.

if you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or our handling of your personal information, please contact us using the contact information provided